Tag: Spirit of Glory

Spirit of Glory

FlashPoint: Speak Up! Disney, W.H.O. & New World Order 

nations like the USA. We will have US representation, however, if we give in and agree to W.H.O.’s proposal the USA will give up our sovereignty as a nation. This gives W.H.O. the right to make decisions for the USA and other nations. W.H.O. then can make unilateral decisions with or without our consent. They can impose restrictions/rules on what we can do and what we are as a nation!

Spirit of Glory

Can the Good, Bad, and Ugly be saved?

I grew up in a military family, my dad was a flight engineer in the Air Force. My mother made sure that I and my brothers went to Sunday School whenever base we were stationed at.As a teenager, my dad retired and we moved to a rural (farm) community in the midwest. As soon we were settled my mom got us involved local church that had a youth group for teenagers.