Jesus said: “…and then the end will come.

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What did Jesus mean when He stated in; Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come”. We will discuss this later. This is one of several unfulfilled End-time prophecies. Truly we are in the Last Days of the End-times when Jesus will return.

I mentioned that several unfulfilled prophecies need to be fulfilled before the return of Jesus. I will cover four of the remaining End-time prophecies that will happen quickly.

To understand biblical prophecy you have to know that bible prophecy is the Word of God, not a man! Also, understand that God does not live in time, He created time, but does not live in time as we do. God knows the beginning to end and the end to the beginning. What this means is when a prophecy was spoken by any bible prophet that these words were the Word of God, because He was there and gave the prophet the prophecy (Word of God).

Given that, any unfulfilled prophecy will be fulfilled as spoken because it is the Word of God, and God was there, and He already knew that this would happen!

Now we can discuss several of the soon-to-be fulfilled prophesies. Remember these prophecies are the Word of God and from God:

  • The total destruction Damascus; Isaiah 17. The Prophet Isaiah prophecies that in the future Damascus will be totally destroyed. If it is the bible and it is, this will happen as prophesized. As we look at the current situation in the middle east this is quite probable.
  • The battle of Gog and Magog; Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 83: A End-time Alliance against Israel. I believe that this will occur before the Tribulation. An confederacy of an army of the north comprised of Iran, Russia, and other Islamic nations will attack Israel and will be supernaturally defeated by God. As we stated earlier with the current situation in the middle east this is quite probable. and can happen at any time.
  • And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; Joel 2: 28-32. The Glory of God will be released on the entire world. When God’s Glory occurs we will see signs, wonders, miracles and salvations. We are already seeing the beginning of this with revival from many countries and in the America with Tent Revival meetings across the nation. You don’t see this in the media, but it is happening.
  • And then the end will come; Matthew 24:14. During and after Joel 2: 28-32 the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Then Jesus will return and take His/Bride home (Heaven).

Research these prophecies by reading the scriptures in this post. And, as always keep an eye on Israel.

To understand how precise the bible prophecy is look at; I can’t stress strongly enough about these bible prophecies or any bible prophecy and how it will be fulfilled!

If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, there is no better time: We are truly in Last Days of the End-time, don’t wait…

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