Christians Only Die Once!

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What??? That’s right! Believers in Jesus Christ (Righteous) and according to the Bible, only die once. When we die we go to Heaven, and we will be with God and Jesus forever.

What happens to those that don’t know Jesus as their Savior (unbelievers)? When they die, they go to Hell. At the end of the Millennium, they will experience a second death at The Great White Throne of Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15), wherefrom there they are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

Revelation 20: 12-14 “Verse 12  The dead, those who are in hell; this is a temporary place for the souls of unbelievers until judgment day. From the beginning of time to the final Rebellion, all unbelievers are there that will be judged according to their works.  This is not a judgment for believers in Christ; every single soul at this judgment is an unbeliever.”
Versus 13-14, “There’s no hiding place for God’s final judgment.  Being cast out to the Lake of Fire will be forever.  The sea, the graves, and the Death and Hades will also surrender the unsaved dead.  These people will be resurrected and judged then cast into the Lake of Fire. Casting souls into the Lake of Fire is called the second death and is permanent.”

Reference: Spirit of Glory – Does God Judge Both the Righteous and the Unrighteous?

If you or your family members do not know Jesus, remember Jesus died for everyone and made it simple, just call on the name of Jesus and you shall be saved. Then, you will be in Heaven with all other believers and you will not experience the second death of the unbelievers!

Please pass this on to family and friends, especially those who don’t know Jesus!