Are the born and unborn children that die or are killed are they in Heaven?

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Children that die prematurely and have not reached what is known as the “age of accountably” will go to Heaven, even if their parents are not saved.

What about the aborted babies? The big question, of course, is “How does this apply to a child in the womb? ” Is it possible for an unborn baby to be redeemed without understanding anything about sin, the fall, the curse, and Christ’s saving work on the cross? Here again, we believe that the answer is yes.

If this is true in both cases, children that died either reached the “age of accountably” or were aborted are in Heaven. This is good news for parents who are saved will see their children in Heaven. And you will be with your children forever and they will welcome you with open arms.

For parents that have not received Jesus as your Saviour and would like to see their children in Heaven? Jesus died for everyone and made it simple, just call on the name of Jesus and you will be saved. And you will be with your children forever and they will welcome you with open arms.