I Want My Country Back…I Want My Country Back…I Want My Country Back!

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Several years back Tami and I go to different conferences and venues mainly Healing and Prophecy. Some were Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Kris Vallotton, Keith Miller, Dave Hertzog, and others.

At some of the conferences, testimonies and stories were told about people who had lost items and had been missing them and wanted them back. They would declare that they wanted their items back and some returned! Some items were simple with little value, mostly sentimental, like pocket knives, cell phones, wallets, and other items. One of the testimonies was about a man that lost a pocket knife that was given as a gift and wanted it back. He declared that his knife would be returned to him and miraculously it was returned.

I thought I will take that!

Know that: if it is important to you it is important to God. Declarations and spoken words go into the Spiritual World, where they are tangible and eternal.

I had a similar experience myself, Several ago Christmas’ when I lost my wallet and needed action so I declared that “I want my wallet back“. This is a Spirit of Glory post that shares my testimony.

Remember if it is important to me and it is important to God and miracles happen! Declarations and spoken words go into the Spiritual World, where they are tangible and eternal.

I appeal to the Christians and Patriots who love America, want America Saved, and want our country back.

Please come into agreement with me and declare that: We Want Our Country Back…We Want Our County Back…We Want Our CountyBack Back! Try to do this daily if possible.

If it is important to us and it is important to God that is when we see miracles happen!

If you or your family members do not know Jesus, remember Jesus died for everyone and made it simple, just call on the name of Jesus and you shall be saved. Then, you will be in Heaven with all other believers and you will not experience the second death of the unbelievers!

Please pass this on to family and friends, especially those who don’t know Jesus!