The Best Thing That Can Happen To You, And What Is The Worst That Can Happen To You?

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The best thing for anyone is to know Jesus Christ as your Savior. With that you are redeemed, righteous, sanctified, and will live forever (Enterally) with God in Heaven! This is my best and first choice!

The worst thing to anyone is to not know Jesus or reject His free gift of Salvation. By rejecting Jesus you will be sent to eternity without God and tormented in Hell, with no peace just misery.

God has given all mankind free will to make their own choices. So, we can accept His free gift of salvation or reject it. God does not send anyone to Hell it is their choice!

If you or your family members do not know Jesus, remember Jesus died for everyone and made it simple. Call on the name of Jesus and you shall be saved. Then, you will be in Heaven with all other believers!

Dennis, Spirit of Glory