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Do You Love God? Vote!

If You Love America?, Vote!

If You Love Children?, Vote!

If You Love The Sanctity of Mariage?, Vote!

If You Don’t Like The Direction Of Our Government, Vote!

If You Don’t Like High Crime, Vote!

If You Don’t Like High Gas Prices, Vote!

If You Don’t Like High Inflation, Vote!

If You Don’t Like A Government That Does Not Protect Its Borders, Vote!

If You Don’t Like Your Freedoms Being Stripped By Its Government, Vote!

It Is Our Time To Take Action and Stand Firm and Believe America Will Be Saved and We Will Get Our Country Back!


Please Pass This On To Anyone Who Wants To Understand Why It Is Important To Protect and Keep America Safe.

We Can’t Keep Quiet While Our Nation Is Being Destroyed.

Dennis, Spirit of Glory

If you or your family members do not know Jesus, remember Jesus died for everyone and made it simple. Call on the name of Jesus and you shall be saved. Then, you will be in Heaven with all other believers!