Tag: Give Him Fifteen

Command The Foreword! | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch 

As you are listening to/reading today’s post, I’ll be in Virginia Beach, attending a memorial service for Pat Robertson, who founded The 700 Club, CBN, Regent University, and more. It is my privilege to honor the memory and legacy of this great man. He has left a phenomenal and indelible mark on the world that will endure into eternity.

The Gold Star Heroes Memorial Day | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch 

It is difficult to introduce a post like today’s. Honoring true heroes with words alone isn’t possible; though heartfelt, they simply aren’t adequate. I encourage you on this Memorial Day, DO something to honor the memory of a hero: give a gift to his/her family (flowers, a gift card, pay for a night out, anything); write a letter or make a call; or visit a grave, as the writer of today’s post did.

Answers to Prayer | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch

For the past three days, I have been sharing with you about the power of prayer, and learning about paga, the Hebrew word for intercession. Today, I’m going to share four stories with you about answered prayer. First John 5:14-15 tells us: “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.” Let these stories boost your faith and confidence.

Are You Ready To Take Your Place? | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch

A couple of weeks after I was introduced to the Appeal to Heaven flag, Holy Spirit gave a profound dream to my friend, Rick Curry. The dream seemed to encapsulate the synergy of the ages; putting ourselves into the storyline; the fact that God was involved in the birth of America; and the significance of the Appeal to Heaven flag.

Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars – Part 2 | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch 

Operation Overtake and Occupy the Cedars. In yesterday’s post, we began discussing a dream Holy Spirit gave Greg Hood. Though I won’t read the portion we included yesterday, I am including it [in brackets] for those who did not see it. Then I will continue with the second portion.

Operation Overtake Part 1 | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch 

It is now clear to those with any level of prophetic discernment in the church that there is no hope for America’s survival apart from supernatural intervention. It will take a genuine revival, one that produces a sweeping return to God, to reverse America’s insanity, restore reason and allow God to restore us.

Releasing God’s Power | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch

As we continue discussing our spiritual authority as believers, for the next few days, I want to share some principles on why it takes time for our prayers to be answered, including prayers for revival. If we have the authority of Christ’s name, if we truly are His Ekklesia with authority to represent Him, why does it sometimes take so long to produce results? Why is persistence required?

Spirit of Glory

Understanding How the Prophetic Works | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch 

Dutch Sheets Ministries is an apostolic, prophetic, and teaching ministry that is used to empower Christians throughout America and the world. Dutch is known for his apostolic and prophetic anointing and gifted teaching, cutting through challenging beliefs and bringing revelation and alignment to many believers. He is also a gifted writer, using this method of communication to teach different topics, primarily on prayer and spiritual authority.

Spirit of Glory

Protect Our Children | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch 

Pray for our children, they are under attack, mostly from our Government! We have a whole generation of children who have been raised with a portal into the world system (the Internet) in the palm of their hand 24/7. I’ve seen Christian parents use the internet and tv like a babysitter. Add to that the indoctrination they receive in public schools and it’s no wonder why our kids are secular. Christian parents need to start training their children in the ways of the Lord. It’s hard work but if you love them you’ll make the sacrifice