Tag: Memorial Day

The Gold Star Heroes Memorial Day | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch 

It is difficult to introduce a post like today’s. Honoring true heroes with words alone isn’t possible; though heartfelt, they simply aren’t adequate. I encourage you on this Memorial Day, DO something to honor the memory of a hero: give a gift to his/her family (flowers, a gift card, pay for a night out, anything); write a letter or make a call; or visit a grave, as the writer of today’s post did.

Spirit of Glory

Veteran Ben Peterson’s Incredible Work for Vietnam Vets | Jukebox | Huckabee

In some ways, Ben Peterson has always been in combat. He grew up in an abusive home and faced bullying at school. Anger and rage ensued, producing a desire in him to fight back. After serving as an assistant chaplain in the Army and battling PTSD, Ben found himself in a destructive cycle – and considered ending his life. Watch his story to see how he discovered a new sense of purpose.