Tag: Tribulation

Spirit of Glory

Please Don’t Take The “Mark of the Beast”!

When I was a teenager in the ’60s, my family visited a local church and was part of a Sunday class for a youth group. Our teacher spent several months going over the book of Revelation and explaining the symbols and how they relate to the Last Days and the tribulation period and how this relates to Isreal. It was confusing to me at that time because it was far-fletch.

A Stern Warning to All Rapture Scoffers | Episode #1206 | Perry Stone

A Stern Warning to All Rapture Scoffer.Something I Have Missed Concerning the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Perry Stone, One word from God can change your life! The Voice of Evangelism was founded for bringing a fresh Word from God to the Body of Christ and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. From its 70,000-square foot, International Ministry Center located in Cleveland, TN, Voice of Evangelism is striving to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ through revivals, television, audio/video media, printed material, missionary sponsorship, and outreach ministries.

Something I Have Missed Concerning the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Perry Stone

Something I Have Missed Concerning the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Perry Stone, One word from God can change your life! The Voice of Evangelism was founded for bringing a fresh Word from God to the Body of Christ and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. From its 70,000-square foot, International Ministry Center located in Cleveland, TN, Voice of Evangelism is striving to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ through revivals, television, audio/video media, printed material, missionary sponsorship, and outreach ministries.

The Truth About Our Elites Tipping Point End Times Teaching |Jimmy Evans

Today on Tipping Point, I’m joined by Billy Crone, and we’re talking about some shocking and disturbing footage from the World Economic Forum and it’s allies. We’re also discussing the truth about our elites in society and how they want to transform not only our lives, but our bodies, to better suit their endeavor for world domination in the end times. In the subscriber portion, we’re revealing even more shocking footage of one of the most powerful people in the world bowing to Klaus Schwab’s ideology

Those Who Survive Real Life with Jack Hibbs

What happens to planet Earth after the destruction that takes place during the tribulation? Hear from some Bible verses that speak on God’s Wrath and what happens to those that survive through the end of the tribulation. Listen to Pastor Jack answer a few of your questions and more on this episode.

Antichrist – Mr. 666

Under the guise of security and convenience, the Antichrist will introduce a cashless economy to the world. But before long, he will use that system to control who can buy and sell. Find out why that’s not good in today’s episode of Real Life TV.

Those Who Survive

What happens to planet Earth after the destruction that takes place during the tribulation? Hear from some Bible verses that speak on God’s Wrath and what happens to those that survive through the end of the tribulation. Listen to Pastor Jack answer a few of your questions and more on this episode.

The New Tower Of Babel With Charlie Kirk Part 1 & Part 2

Pastor Jack Hibbs is joined by Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA to discuss the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11), both then and now. Learn how the world economic forum and the globalist movement is paving the way for the antichrist.

Critical End Times Steps to Take Now | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans

Today on Tipping Point, I’m discussing the critical steps needed in order to prepare for the rapture. I’m also explaining how Jesus will redeem our intimacy when He returns and we go to be with him in heaven.

Signs of the Coming Antichrist – Part 1 (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

Pastor Jack shares a special Bible teaching regarding the days in which we are living and what the Bible has to say about them. Don’t allow fear and confusion to trouble you. Let’s look into His word together so that we can have hope, knowledge, and expectation of Christ’s near return.